Monday, November 3, 2008

Filthy Drinking Water Delivery Truck

Who would have guessed that this filthy truck was a delivery truck for water that somebody should drink.  I thought it was hilarious that such a manager of a bottled drinking water company would allow such a negative image to exist in his/her company.

The main reason I noticed this truck was because he cut me off.  I never used this water and I don't think I ever will.  I can only imagine how clean their factory is!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Designs the Collect Dust

There are hundreds of these mini air-conditioned bus stations dotted around Dubai and all of them are looking quite shabby and they have only just been installed.  It seems that the design is a real dust trap.

It is obviouis that curved aluminium structures are not easy to clean.  In a matter of one day they can be cacked with dust.  If you combine that with a high level of humidity then you really get ugly dust stains.

Designs briefs should require that the objects be able to look and stay clean a certain period of time.