Thursday, November 1, 2007
Safari Zoo Resort
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Another possibility is that people are learning to Park & Ride, either the bus which passes near by (I doubt it!) or with a friend (more likely).
The idea is good. Why not create park and ride locations throughout Dubai and allow people to pool to the more congested areas. You could park your car and take a bus or metro to your office.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Dubai Metro
The neat thing about thing about the Metro is that it is not cutting Dubai into pieces like other metros in the USA. To save on cost light rails have not opted for the elevated or underground tracks in many major US cities.
Portland Oregon is one example. The light rail there has litterally cut the city into several part. So many neighborhoods are now cut into two becaues the light rail passes through at ground level and had to be fenced off for safety.
Whether or not the Metro actually provides a traffic solution is questionable. In the late 50's the mass transit systems in the US were on their way out. Cheap vehicles and the increasing number of roads made it impractical to rely solely on the trains and busses. You were poor if you had to take the bus or train. Eventually in many cities the trams and trains were discontinued. Only busses remained as they were the most car-like in that they were flexible and could be rerouted to meet changing demands.
Now that there is financial pressure on drivers in the form of parking, fuel charges etc. there is an incentive to use mass transportation (MT) to get to work. Even considering the time it takes and there is a savings when comparing parking fees and fuel costs. Maybe even time is saved considering that traffic jams dont effect a train system.
In spite of all of the cultural differences that a metro in Dubai will face with respect to the change from complete freedom to train schedules.
The presence of stiffling traffic jams will make Dubai metro a success. As long as this condition remains then the metro will be used, however, as soon as the traffic problem is solved by more and better roads the metro system will suffer. Why take a train if there are no economic benefits. Car's are cheap, fuel is not expensive and if the traffic moves then there is also no time savings. What do you do when you get to the end of the line....walk? Take a taxi or a bus?
Dubai Metro needs traffic jams, high road fees but moreover, it needs better coverage of dubai and not just down a few arteries.
The park and ride model is quite successful. If there were large parking garages where people could leave their car and take a metro to pick up their car where they could continue their journey then that would be a great incentive to take the metro. As it is there is not so much consideration for parking in Dubai. How do you get to the train, and how do you get to your final destination from the closest station. The RTA (Roads Transport Authority) needs to resolve these issues. More busses, mabe smaller with very short shuttle routes. They should have dedicated lanes. Fewer taxis and more mini busses, or taxis that have known desinations like a bus with the option to have up to three independant people as passengers.
RTA could have a premium lane that can be used for a daily fee of lets say DHS50 all day long. Using the same Radio Identification Tag to monitor the use of these lanes or better yet a roof mounted bar code where cars can be scanned more accurately.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Floating Bridge
The only problem with floating bridges is that they represent a major problem for floating traffic. The whole point of rivers and lakes for people is their ability to be used as major arteries for the transport of goods or for pleasure traffic. Most floating bridges have a section that will allow this traffic to pass. The Dubai floating bridge does not. It relies instead on timing whereby a section of the bridge will be moved out and floating traffic allowed to pass. This is why the bridge is opened from 6am to 10pm.
The main reason for this stop gap measure was to provide additional traffic bearing capacity accross the Dubai creek, which itself is partially an artificial waterway. Typically many areas in the gulf region where somewhat false bays and inlets. They were partially navigable during high tide and where very shallow or empty during low tide. These areas were called "subtra" where they were either permanently wet or at peak tides had water cover. The Dubai Creek was internally such a formation. In1963 it was dredged and we have today what appears to be a river of sorts.
So now with a floating bridge, what is next? I believe that the floating bridge will be removed in years to come or it will have a section replaced. Floating bridges are more appropriate for very wide waterways where a significant portion of the bridge can be floating while one section can be higher and allow for water based traffic.
The floating bridge in Dubai is hearalding a new era in the Middle East where non-traditional building concepts are gaining acceptance.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Salik Road Tolls
I am halfway afraid that the police will set up a road block and will start to punish everybody for using the slip road. I am thinking about taking proof that I work in Creekside Park.
I think a more effective way would be to force Trucks and Commercial Vehicles to pay more tolls and let others be free, or if you have more than a 4 cylinder car then you pay. Like what they do in Europe based on the engine size. The reasoning stands that the more power the more luxury.
Blogged with Flock
Monday, February 19, 2007
Nasty Driving Tricks
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Novel Pedestrian Crossing System
The Pedestrian Loop will at the same time save countless lives as people will not have to cross dangerous roads and it will also create an income stream from use and advertising. It is a direct replacement of the pedestrian bridge or tunnel which themselves can be quite expensive. The basic idea is to replace many single point to point elevated pedestrian bridges with a single multi-point to multi-point elevated pedestrian crossing shuttle. One of the shortcomings of a pedestrian bridge is that the average walking distance is quite high for people because the bridges aren’t always located in ideal positions for every persons need. The Pedestrian
Loop is more or less a miniature monorail system, like a rollercoaster, that continually picks up and lets off people within a defined circuit. Like an elevator there are points which people select from a button
panel. The car will stop only if somebody inside or outside at a designated zone has pressed a call button. The system is only elevated when crossing the road, otherwise it is at street level.
The cars are powered by DC electricity embedded in the monorail are will have a simple bench seats. The air-conditioned cars can be grouped together in several units at a time depending on the traffic requirement and length of the loop. Each car will be supported by an electric motor The monorail is essentially a beam made from reinforced conc
rete which will keep it low cost yet provide enough strength for the loading created by the small cars. The cost of a pedestrian bridge can range fro
m USD0.5 up to USD 5.0 million where obviously
span and esthetics play a key role in the cost. The cost of a pedestrian loop is based on the length of the circuit, span of the road crossing and number of cars. The through put of the system is calculated based on the number of stops, speed and loading and offloading times.
When one considers to get from one side of Shk. Zaid Road that it would cost at least DHS 4.00 to take a taxi, presuming that one can be found, then a nominal charge of DHS 1-2 to use the system is quite reasonable.
There are options for advertising both internally and externally, which could generate additional income.
Blogged with Flock
How to eliminate traffic jams
It is a problem of attitude. People who are patient and follow the rules have to wait longer. This breeds contempt for the rules and increases the number of people willing to break the rules. WHO WANTS TO BE LATER JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE NICE!
How to adjust the attitude of these kinds of people? NOT EASY. And not only money in the form of penalties will stop them. It would simple mean rich people do what they want while the less fortunate have to be late or take the risk of loosing everything.
When the police are around traffic moves very smoothly. Unfortunately they cannot be everywhere. It is such a great feeling to see somebody pulled over in front of everybody for line jumping.
The police can be everywhere. All the are needed are multiple webcams in all of the traffic jam areas and a few mobile mounted web cams put in the front and rear of government owned taxis.
Who will monitor these and how much will it cost? Well, anybody can monitor as long as they sign up on line. They will get a small percentage of the fine levied if they report it first. The web feeds will remain live for 2 days and people can bid (from their accumulated earnings) for snips in the various locations and time zones.
This project is self financing and self controling. With software which is available online the can zoom in on an offender, get help in identifying what is an offense or not. Then they submit their findings. The findings get peer reviewed and voted on, again by registered users of the system. If the offender gets a thumbs down. BAM a fine. A SMS goes out to the car owner.....GOTCHA! 500DHS fine.
The offender has the opportunity to pay the fine in cash or work it off over a period of time by.....signing up and trying to catch other offenders!
Over a period of time people will feel big brother is watching and they will stop screwing up the roads....
For vehicles