Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Novel Pedestrian Crossing System


The Pedestrian Loop will at the same time save countless lives as people will not have to cross dangerous roads and it will also create an income stream from use and advertising. It is a direct replacement of the pedestrian bridge or tunnel which themselves can be quite expensive. The basic idea is to replace many single point to point elevated pedestrian bridges with a single multi-point to multi-point elevated pedestrian crossing shuttle. One of the shortcomings of a pedestrian bridge is that the average walking distance is quite high for people because the bridges aren’t always located in ideal positions for every persons need. The Pedestrian

Loop is more or less a miniature monorail system, like a rollercoaster, that continually picks up and lets off people within a defined circuit. Like an elevator there are points which people select from a button

panel. The car will stop only if somebody inside or outside at a designated zone has pressed a call button. The system is only elevated when crossing the road, otherwise it is at street level.


The cars are powered by DC electricity embedded in the monorail are will have a simple bench seats. The air-conditioned cars can be grouped together in several units at a time depending on the traffic requirement and length of the loop. Each car will be supported by an electric motor The monorail is essentially a beam made from reinforced conc

rete which will keep it low cost yet provide enough strength for the loading created by the small cars. The cost of a pedestrian bridge can range fro

m USD0.5 up to USD 5.0 million where obviously

span and esthetics play a key role in the cost. The cost of a pedestrian loop is based on the length of the circuit, span of the road crossing and number of cars. The through put of the system is calculated based on the number of stops, speed and loading and offloading times.


When one considers to get from one side of Shk. Zaid Road that it would cost at least DHS 4.00 to take a taxi, presuming that one can be found, then a nominal charge of DHS 1-2 to use the system is quite reasonable.

There are options for advertising both internally and externally, which could generate additional income.

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